About Dedalus

DEDALUS - DEveloping DAta Literacy courses for University Students is aiming to equip students with the necessary competences to cope with future digital challenges and to create an additional value for the enterprises and industries where they would be employed. It will do so by developing an innovative modular, open and online learning curriculum to include data literacy competences in any study field. At the same time, through the CPD qualification for HE professionals it will develop the digital competences of educators, enabling them to transfer such competences in their practice.

Data literacy is a cross-cutting competence which is relevant in all disciplines since data are used in a multitude of domains and future entrepreneurs, regardless of the type of business they wish to run, need to deal with data and analytics to make quicker and more brilliant decisions and to get the most from business intelligence solutions. At the same data literacy is a difficult concept, since the required knowledge, skills and attitudes related to it are dependent on the context and so is the competence level. Indeed, courses and certification paths available on the market, as well as in universities are only scattered approaches that are lacking a convincing learning and study trajectory oriented towards a competence framework which maps the competences along the requirements of the study domain and the future field of application. This again would increase the employability of the students since their expertise could be better identified. The business sector, in turn, lacks a proper understanding of what digitalization means and which requirements it has to face in terms of expertise to cope with future challenges.

Project scheme

Project Reference: 2019-1-IT02-KA203-063359
EU Grant: 295018 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Start date: 2019/11/01
End date: 2021/10/31