Call for papers: Websci21 Data Literacy Workshop
Data is one of the most valuable resources in our digital economy. However, it is still not clear that we, as citizens, workers and learners, are equipped with the necessary competences to handle such a valuable asset. Data Literacy has become a critical aspect of the transformation of our society, our economy, and the web. In this workshop, we will address this topic with invited speakers and presentations from the selected papers’ authors.
Papers should be uploaded in EasyChair by 23 April
We are inviting submissions of original, unpublished articles. Potential topics include (but are not limited to):
What do we mean by data literacy?
Why do we need data literacy?
How should data literacy be achieved?
How is data literacy addressed in educational settings?
What are the broader political, social and philosophical implications of data literacy?
What are the practical implications of data literacy?
What is the role of data intermediaries or facilitators? Is data literacy for everybody, or will we always have the need for intermediaries between the creators/providers of the data and the consumers in order to provide insight on the context and meaning of the data?
Using Data Literacy for:
- Enabling data journalism
Making research more sustainable and reproducible over time
Enabling smart cities for all
Enhancing efficiency of e-Government
Enabling data-based services
Creating and understanding data visualization
Data collaboration and crowdsourced data
Understanding control/surveillance/access limitation over the Internet
Eliciting the role of statistics for data interpretation
Enacting social change
Selection criteria for papers
Submissions should:
- Be written in English;
Fit with the workshop theme;
Have a clear motivation (why the problem is interesting theoretically and/or practically);
Conceptual development and grounding in prior literature (given the nascent nature of the topic it is not expected that the prior literature is about data literacy);
Methodological adequacy (if relevant);
Adequate list of references to related work and grounding theories;
Interesting findings;
Well-structured and clearly written paper;
Maximum length of paper: 10 pages for full papers, 5 pages for short papers; and
Conform to Web Sci 2021 rules for formatting (see format of submissions heading).
Papers will be peer reviewed for rigor, relevance, originality and clarity of presentation and then the accepted papers will be chosen by the organising committee based on the reviewers’ assessment. Papers should be submitted via Easychair.
Submit your paper via Easychair