Dedalus Objectives

DEDALUS will develop and pilot an approach to tackle the data-driven competence issues based on a long-term partnership of educational partners who have either worked in digital literacy and digital education projects or on competence oriented learning and validation of non-formal and informal learning. On the basis of a sound stocktaking on successful approaches on how to include data literacy in university programmes, it will set up a framework of competences on data literacy, taking in due consideration also the demand of the business sector. Then, a modular learning and training approach will be developed using high quality blended learning approaches combining face-to face, e-learning and practical learning on the job. The learning and training offers will also be delivered on state of the art learning technologies which will offer contents, courses, e-portfolios and validation interfaces as open educational resources (OER).

The DEDALUS course and modules will involve more than 20 HE professionals that will then pilot the approach in 5 different universities and study domanis across Europe. Finally, an implementation strategy and an experience report will be developed, where HE staff across Europe will find details of possible implementation scenarios to include permanently data literacy in academic offers. Well-proven validation approaches will be applied to assess and evidence learning. Competences will be validated and connected to European validation and certification instruments.